About TIG
We Understand the Challenges
The Investment Group (TIG) is the brainchild and vision of Atario Mitchell and Dominic Sturrup, Principals of the Bahamas Striping Group of Companies. It is incorporated as a privately owned investment company with a mission to invest into companies with a combination of cash and equity.
TIG was born out of the experiences of Atario and Dominic as entrepreneurs, as they like most small and medium size enterprises (SME’s), found themselves challenged in finding capital to fund their business. As a result, of overcoming this challenge, they have set aside one million dollars to assist young Bahamian entrepreneurs or persons with existing businesses in need of further capital. They both see this investment fund as a critical need towards inspiring and creating the next generation of Bahamian entrepreneurs and spurring on job creation.
TIG will require a presence on the investee’s Board. TIG will provide management expertise, operational support and access to their network and contacts. Additionally, TIG will also add and use its considerable credibility to not only mentor and monitor the company but will be hands-on in terms of identifying commercial opportunities.
Investment Focus
TIG is open to investing in various industry sectors with the enterprise being domiciled anywhere in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. TIG will consider investing in new start-up as well as existing businesses at various stages of the business life cycle so long as there is potential for return of investment and the product/service will help in the development of our country.
Length of Investment
TIG’s investment strategy is designed to help companies grow, but provisions to exit the investment will be within five to seven years. An early stage investment may take seven to ten years to mature, while a later stage investment may only take a few years. The appetite for the investment life cycle must be congruent with the limited partnerships’ appetite for liquidity. TIG’s investments in each case will be made with careful diligence and expertise.

Is TIG For You?
Consider the Possibilities
Prospective companies and entrepreneurs who can show the potential for rapid-growth into becoming significant businesses. These companies and entrepreneurs must have a solid, proven and motivated team who can execute their business plan. If your answers are “yes”, then TIG is worth considering.
Does my company have a product or service that has a competitive edge?
Does my company offer a product of service that solves a problem or has a unique selling point?
Is your team ambitious?
Does your company high growth prospects and are you driven to grow the company rapidly?
Can you demonstrate relevant industry experience?
Does your team have the relevant skills to deliver on your strategic business plan?
Am you willing to have TIG hold equity as a strategic investor?
Benefits of becoming a TIG Investee:
We are skillful in identifying commercial opportunity
We have well established links and relevant industry contacts
We have a strong rapid-growth commercial track record
We have excellent business credentials
We have an experienced pool of business experts
We are dedicated to mentoring and monitoring entrepreneurial talent
Time to invest in the development of a young company
A clear exit strategy and ability to follow its money until that point
How much can I qualify for?
TIG will typically invest $50,000 to $150,000 through a combination of cash and equity.
What are the requirements to apply?
Applicant must be a Bahamian
Company must be Bahamian-registered (enterprise can have foreign ownership interest)
Company must be in a fast-growing, attractive sector, with a strong management team
Applicant must have demonstrable skills/knowledge for the product(s)/service(s) offered
Product(s) or service(s) must solve a clearly identified problem
Applicant must present a clear Business Plan with five-year financial projections (for existing businesses must provide financial statements showing historic and forecasts)
Applicants must provide copy of all valid business licenses, Compliance certificates and proof of payment of all fees due to the Government etc.
Top Advisors
Great Idea
TIG Board of Directors
To ensure the transparency in the administration of TIG, the visionaries and principal funders have opted out of having a seat on its Board.

Mr. Mick Holding
Ms. Frederica Sturrup
1st Round Recipients
Kadaf Whyms, President
KW Paving
Quincy Rolle, President
United Data Technologies
Darius Johnson, President
Global Energy Solutions
Here is a look at our first round recipients. The signing ceremony was held at the The Hilton Hotel, West Bay Street. Be sure to click on their photo to visit respective company webpage.
Mrs. Yvette Ingraham

What Happens Next?
Submit Online Application
Submission Content
The Company
History, including accomplishments to date
3-5 Year Financial Forecast
Description of product(s)/services
Development Stage
Timing of, and process to, commercialization
Unique attributes and opportunities
Size and definition
Industry Trends
Need for product(s)/services
Sales/distribution plan
Necessary partnerships and status
Comparative analysis, including key features and benefits
Competitive advantage/market differentiators
Barriers to entry for competitors and company
Experience of all management personnel
Previous experience working together
Needs/key vacancies
Board of Directors